For Sale
“Chase’s” – Lot 75 Leonard Road, Coleambally NSW – 68.4HA (169 acres)
“Prime opportunity to add on or start out”
Features Include –
- 15ML/day CICL Flumegate® Outlets
- Landformed, subdivided into 3 fields
- Diesel powered Paterson recycle/lift pump
- Mix of clay and clay/loam soils
“Chase’s” offers those seeking to expand, diversify or start out farming an opportunity to commence production in the renowned Coleambally Irrigation Area. Current operations have focused on pasture production with a legume base ensuring a great start to fertility and soil health for incoming purchasers. The property would be equally suited to high value summer crops or intensive winter crop production.
Detailed Information Memorandum available.
PRICE: On Application
INSPECT: By Appointment
Anthony Mannes
Phone (02) 6954 4411
Mobile 0447 002 601