Farms 549 & 671 Gilbert Road, Coleambally
For sale as a whole or individually, asking $2500 per Hectare.
Farm 549 – Approx. 231HA of red/brown soil. 30ML/Day Flume gate and 10 CICL Delivery Entitlements. Largely stock proof boundary fencing and subdivided into 3 main paddocks. 140HA Rice suitable area*.
Farm 671 – Approx. 89HA red/brown soils with small seams of transitional and sandy soils. 15ML/Day Flume gate and 10 CICL Delivery Entitlements. Stock proof boundary fencing.
The properties are currently operated as a primarily grazing enterprise with some intermittent cereal cropping. The properties would suit an operation looking to add on to existing holdings or would be ideal starter farms. Farms 549 & 671 offer the purchaser the option to continue the current style of operation or to develop for a more intensive irrigated agriculture program. Farms in the Coleambally area are becoming increasingly difficult to find. 20ML CICL General Security Water Entitlement also available for sale by negotiation. Inspection recommended.
Inspection by appointment only.
Agents in conjunction:
Mannes Agencies, Coleambally: Anthony Mannes
Southern Riverina Livestock & Property, Finley: Jeremy Bell
*Source: CICL Base Property Information Pack – purchasers encouraged to make their own investigations.

Anthony Mannes
Mobile 0447 002 601