For Sale

McLarty Road Aggregation  |  As a whole on in 5 distinct parcels*

Large Scale Irrigation Farming Aggregation – Coleambally NSW
Incorporating Certified Organic Portions

And Associated Coleambally Irrigation Co-operative Limited Delivery Entitlements

Farms 584, 610, 611, 612, 613, 614, 638 and 644 – Gilbert Road, Thurrowa Road and Leonard Road, Coleambally NSW

Approx. 1866.4HA (4613 acres)

Approx. 1572.3HA of which is contiguous, balance over 2 separate parcels in close proximity.

3537 CICL B Class (General Security) Delivery Entitlements

Meannes Agencies is proud to present the McLarty Road Aggregation. This aggregation is the first of its scale to be offered within the Coleambally Irrigation Area.

The aggregation is suited to a wide range of productive pursuits from permanent plantings or intensive irrigated summer cropping including cotton through to mixed irrigated farming and livestock production.

An extensive list of improvements is provided in this document including homestead, houses, shedding, grain storage, lateral irrigator, livestock handling, fencing, livestock and domestic water, irrigation water supply, regulation, recycling and drainage.

CICL B Class (General Security) Delivery Entitlements underpin the current owners water strategy and form an integral part of most CICL irrigators’ portfolios. Further detail on these Delivery Entitlements is also provided.

As mentioned, the scale and contiguity of the holding has rarely been achieved within the CICL footprint and an equivalent holding has not been offered for sale.

** Offers invited for individual or multiple parcels **

* All measurments approximate

* If not sold prior

Features Include –

  • Five distinct parcels, 13 separate titles (see maps below)
  • Total Land Area 1866.4* HA (4613* Acres) – of which 1572.3* HA (3886* Acres) is contiguous. The largest contiguous parcel to be offered for sale within the Coleambally Irrigation Area
  • 3537 CICL B Class (General Security) Delivery Entitlements
  • 364* HA (900* Acres) under lateral/pivot overhead irrigator installed 2019
  • Conservatively farmed adopting organic and regenerative practices to build soil carbon and health
  • Comfortable double brick family homestead with inground pool and further homes for staff accommodation
  • Large areas landformed
  • Extensive list of improvements

For a detailed Information Memorandum about the McLarty Road Aggregation click on the ‘Information Memorandum’ button.

PRICE: On Application
INSPECT: By Appointment

Anthony Mannes

Phone (02) 6954 4411
Mobile 0447 002 601

Email Agent

1852 Thurrowa Rd, Coleambally NSW 2707, Australia